
Notice pursuant to Leg. Dec. no. 196/’03 (Privacy Law).

Please note that we may require some personal data so that we can reply to your enquiries or submit your registration to our services. Pursuant to legislation concerning the protection of personal data (sect. 13 of Leg. Dec. no. 196/03), we herewith provide all the relevant information. Please read the document carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it before you consent to or refuse our use of such information.

1. Our services. Purposes of the processing.

The processing concerns collecting the names of persons/companies interested in the products/services described in our website. The “Contact” form requires you to provide your Surname, First Name, Telephone number, e-mail address and other relevant information so that we can contact you promptly. If you decide to register with the on-line spare parts site , you will be asked to provide certain personal details to enable us to send you a username and password so that you can access the service.

2. Scope of communication of personal data.

All your data will remain within the scope of Alimec Internal management and that of its subsidiaries and will not, under any circumstances, be communicated to third parties.

3. Processing mechanisms.

The purposes of the processing described above may be pursued in various ways, by phone contact, by e-mailing systems, by regular post, by Alimec sales and/or technical support personnel.

4. Provision of personal data is facultative.

The provision of personal data is facultative but failure to provide information and/or providing incomplete and/or incorrect personal data, could lead to the supply of incomplete and/or inaccurate services with respect to your interests and/or expectations.

5. Scope of dissemination of personal data.

Personal data will not be disclosed in any way and will only be used for the purposes outlined above.

6. Data processor.

The Chief Data Processor is the Administrative Director who, at the Data Controller’s address, has the complete and updated list of all the Data Processors. You will be entitled to exercise all the rights laid down in sect. 7 of Leg. Dec. no. 196/2003 (access, amend, erase, etc…) by simply contacting the above mentioned Data Processor.

7. Data Controller.

The Data Controllers are: Alimec s.r.l. with its head office in Via Corte, 1 – 36030 Valli del Pasubio (VI) ITALY

8. Your rights.

You are entitled to exercise the rights laid down in section 7 of Leg.Dec. no. 196/03 at any time, that is:

A. to obtain confirmation from the above mentioned data processor as to whether your personal data exists, even if not yet recorded, and communication of such data in an intelligible form.

B. to obtain information about: the source of the personal data; the purposes and methods of the processing; the logic applied to the processing if the latter is carried out with the help of electronic means; the identification data of the data controller and data processors; the entities or categories to whom or which the personal data may be communicated and who or which may get to know said data in their capacity as data processors or persons in charge of processing;

C. to obtain updating, rectification or when interested therein, integration of the data; erasure, anonymisation or blocking of data that has been processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or subsequently processed; certification to the effect that the above operations have been notified, as also related to their contents, to the entities to whom or which the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the right that is to be protected;

D. to object, in whole or in part, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of your personal data even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection.